About -
John foehl

My love for photography began in college using a Canon AE-1 and bulk loading B&W film. But photography faded into the background as I built my professional career. As I began to face the prospect of retirement a friend encouraged me to read "Life Reimagined" which rekindled my affair with the camera.
When I set out to explore this new realm of digital photography I sought out several mentors to whom I am indebted. Alister Benn, Kevin Holiday, Cole Thompson and Gary Wagner have proved to be wonderful sources of insight and inspiration. You can find links to all of their websites on my "Links" page.
I consider myself to be primarily a black & white landscape photographer with images tending towards the dark and moody side of the spectrum. I view these as my alter ego. However I also like long-exposure color photography for the wonderful pastels it creates.
My web site - Melville Images happens to be my middle name. I am named after my father whose middle name came from his maternal grandfather. He worked as a NYC firefighter for 50 years, hence the red and black theme of my site. Not surprisingly red also happens to be my favorite color.
I hope you'll explore my galleries, and take some time to read my blog posts. Please feel free to contact me and I hope I can pay forward some of the great advice and expertise from those that took some time to talk with a novice landscape photographer.
John Foehl
Summerville, SC
2016 – Connecticut Association of Photographers Juried Top 100 Images "holgate sunrise"
2017 – Mass Music & Arts Society Juried B&W Art Show
"bridging the falls" & “garrapata #7”
2018 – SE Center for Photography Juried Members Show
2020 – Wickford Art Association Juried Exhibit
"magnolia water lily" & "back to the sea"
2020 – Cary Photographic Artists 13th Annual Juried Exhibit
1st Place – Monochrome
2021 - Art of photography prairie arts village 4th annual show
2021 - Charleston Spoleto Festival juried art show - "suspended"
2023 - se center for photography juried exhibition - the contemporary landscape "the tarn"